Our programming provided within all California Department Corrections Rehabilitation (CDCR) consists of a 12 week Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach. Topics covered are Belief Systems, Learned Behavior, Major Forms of Abuse, Character Defects, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), Values, Identifying Abusive Relationship Patterns, Obsession Cycle, Understanding The Cycle of Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Developing A Domestic Violence Relapse Prevention Plan, What Is A Healthy Relationship, Boundaries and more.
Our programs are held weekly for 2 hours, and held within San Quentin Rehabilitation Center, Mule Creek State Prison, and CTF Central Soledad Prison. Each cohort consists of incarcerated residents ranging from 25-40 participants each cycle. AIDA also offers our programming in Spanish within these facilities. Our programming is co-facilitated by our Program Coordinators, along with incarcerated facilitators bringing a balance of lived experience and credibility to those being served.
Our prison programs have a waiting list in the hundreds at each facility due to the need for domestic abuse/violence programming. In California the Board of Parole Hearings (BPH) recognizes the work AIDA does within the California Department Corrections Rehabilitation (CDCR) and often refers within hearings that incarcerated residents attend AIDA.